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Cancel Culture in Academia
My doctoral dissertation examined how social media influenced the work and personal lives of more than 100 academics in the United States.

Distancing from Social Media
I suggest not only social distancing, but distancing from social media to stay healthy in this pandemic.

Rotolo named Chief Brand Officer of Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame
Anthony Rotolo, accomplished professor of communications, has been named Chief Brand Officer for the Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame.

Mind, Body & Soul: The Three Forces of Psychology
An intro to the three major movements of psychology. This article is offered as a resource for students or anyone interested in the field.

New Book - Gaming Technology: Blurring Real and Virtual Worlds
I’m pleased to announce the release of my new book, “Gaming Technology: Blurring Real and Virtual Worlds,” from ReferencePoint Press....

Erich Fromm, Social Media, and a 'Sane Society'
This classic interview with Neo-Freudian psychologist Erich Fromm is interesting not only for its relevance to psychology but also as a...

The Orville: Boldly Going Where ‘Star Trek’ Has Gone Before
As a Star Trek fan, I’m admittedly nervous about the premiere of Star Trek: Discovery later this month. My favorite sci-fi franchise has...

Futurist Anthony Rotolo: New devices will extend what we can do on the go (Syracuse Post-Standard)
Originally published by Syracuse Post-Standard / Written by Rick Moriarty. Syracuse, N.Y. —, which is...
Rotolo Video
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